Why FixRead

FixRead has proven to be winning on-line courses for academic English for everyone involved:

  • The teaching institution
    gets an objective measuring device for monitoring the progress of students.
  • The teacher
    is a moderator between the content of the courses and the students.
  • The student
    learns in small portions, receives explanations of correct answers. 

Fixread - is a unique, comprehensive system of five levels - from upper elementary to mastery.

Target Population

In non-English-speaking countries - Pre-college, college and university students.
In English-speaking countries - Immigrant students.

Suitable for students with LEARNING DISABILITIES

FIxRead Courses

Fixread Can Be Used as

  • a blended learning course.
  • the main classroom course.
  • distance learning.
  • a supplementary program.

What People Say

"We used Fixread as an online course in our college. The course is very well constructed. It enabled our students to progress gradually. The course demanded from the students a good deal of individual work, but in small "bites" so it was not intimidating. The students reported that they had learned a lot. I would recommend this online course to other institutions."

Hemdat HaDarom Academic College, Dov Bloom (teacher)

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